
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I load GIF animation?
To load a GIF animation in SkypeAnime, you have to click the "Browse..." link which is just under the "Load single GIF animation" text. Then you select the animation you want and click the "Open" button. The animation will be displayed frame-by-frame in the upper part of the SkypeAnime main window.

How do I set animation speed?
There are three ways you can set the animation speed: by FPS(frames per second), by milliseconds per frame, and by network bandwidth upload limit.
To set the speed by FPS:
Check the "FPS" radiobutton, which is under the "Frame speed" text. Then type the desired Frames Per Second in the field next to it.

To set the speed by milliseconds per frame:
Check the "Milliseconds" radiobutton, which is under the "FPS" radiobutton, which is just under the "Frame speed" text. Then type the desired milliseconds per frame in the field next to it.
Note: 1 second = 1000 milliseconds.

To set the speed by network bandwidth upload limit:
This option is used to set the animation speed a way it's not going to block your computer/internet/skype. To use it, check the "Select the optimal speed for my network bandwidth" checkbox. Then type the upload bandwidth of your internet connection (in Kilobytes per second) in the field under. If you don't know it, this option is not for you. And finally, click the "Confirm bandwidth limit" link.

I have loaded the animation already,and I have set animation speed, how can I start it?
To start the animation, click the big "Start" link. Note that you must allow SkypeAnime to use Skype.
Recently people report issues with SkypeAnime: when they click "Start" the animation starts playing in the preview box, but it doesn't change the Skype avatar. Fortunately I have a fix for this.

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